It’s freaking vulnerable to change.
It feels like dying. A small death. And for good reason…
In order to change, part of you has to transform – release or integrate – into something new.
And, once you’ve made that transformation, you’ll never be the same again.
Of course, there’s a part of all of us that craves that change. We WANT to be bigger, better, more fully expressed, more powerful versions of ourselves.
Yet, questions like…
What if I make a mistake?
What if this change leaves me worse off than I am now?
What if I fail?
…tend to show up every time we get the inkling to make a move–paralyzing us and stopping us from reaching our fullest potential.
But, here’s the reality…
Becoming MORE means we have to let go of our past, allowing parts of our old selves to fade away in order to make room for our new selves. And, in this sense, changing ourselves feels like a form of death.
Is this kind of death an essential part of growing and becoming who we were meant to be? ABSOLUTELY.
Think about it like this: The child that you were when you were born no longer exists, except in memories, photographs, and in your imagination. And, while that version of you is now gone, you’ve transformed and upgraded to the new and improved YOU.
Growth is a constant process.
It takes practice, conscious effort, and true devotion to really surrender to growth. And, it’s vulnerable just to recognize the truth of what we want in life–especially when it’s not what we were told to want. When it’s not what other people want.
I am no stranger to this feeling…
For most of my life, I based my criteria for success on other people’s terms. I got straight A’s because that’s what it meant to be successful in school. I did everything my parents told me to do because that’s what it meant to be a good girl. I was nice to my classmates, even when I didn’t like them because that’s what it meant to be a good person.
I was striving for the approval of others. Constantly.
And that was working out for me in some ways. People liked me and gave me a lot of positive feedback.
But I felt trapped, filled with obligation in all my relationships. And even though I was dedicated to my codependency, it was never enough. There was always somebody who didn’t like what I was doing. There was always someone who wished I would choose differently. No matter how hard I tried to protect myself from that disapproval, still it came. And every time it was painful.
Sound familiar?
Here’s what I learned:
If we live to be people pleasers, we will never be ourselves.
If we base our lives on the standards of others, we will never know what we’re really capable of.
We will always have all have those people who spew negativity in our lives–the cynical voices that eventually seep into our own heads! The critics. The skeptics. The naysayers.
It doesn’t feel good on the other side of someone’s disappointment, judgment, or disapproval. And it took a long time for me to dismantle my need for approval–and I’m still not perfect.
But, I discovered that once I stopped allowing these people to get inside my head, I was FREE.
I was able to say to them…
You are not responsible for me. In any way.
I am not a child. I’m an adult.
You are not responsible for my life or death.
And by doing so, I am able to live my life on my terms now.
My relationship, my home, my friendships, my health, my business, my spiritual life… the standards I set for myself in all areas of my life are for me. In service to my big vision–which includes helping a LOT of people break through their own blocks.
What about you?
This is your life.
When you take out the input of everyone else–just for a moment–what does success mean to you? What do you truly desire in your life?
Whatever it is, you can have it. But, you also have to be willing to take the first step in order to start working towards whatever it is that you really want.
You’re going to have to leave your comfort zone and stop letting fear show up every time you start heading towards the desires of your heart.
It’s nerve wracking…
It feels like dying because it IS a kind of dying.
But here’s good news – you don’t have to do it alone.
As someone who has “been there, done that” I’m passionate about sharing my strategies and techniques. And, in doing so, I’ve established a community full of visionaries, creatives and widely successful entrepreneurs through via my mastermind group: The Success Sessions.
Today, I’m inviting YOU to join this community so you can also experience the joy of reaching new goals and achieving success beyond your wildest dreams.
Here’s the truth: if you’re not willing to take a step out of your normal comfort zone, you will always have to settle for ordinary, mediocre, boring, stagnant.
It’s time to get unstuck…to move past your vulnerabilities and claim the life that you deserve.
Success on YOUR terms might mean…
Better sex (we’re talking earth shattering, blackout style sex!)
More money (want to add a 0 to your monthly income?)
Deeper satisfaction (abiding joy, true fulfillment, moment- to- moment day-to-day)
Fuller expression (speaking your truth unapologetically – this is true freedom)
A new business (living your REAL purpose – and leave your boss behind!)
A child (my lightworkers, it’s time to procreate!)
A wedding (want the best party with all your peeps, dressed like royalty?)
10 new clients (only the good kind…)
Ready to finally take your dreams off the back burner and find the success in your life and business you’ve been dreaming of? Then sign up to join me in a community filled with powerful, motivated professionals just like yourself!
Sign up for a 1:1 session with me HERE!