Tag Archives: authenticity

What it means to wait to respond

When I decided to get pregnant, I had these visions of nursing while on a coaching call. I was super clear that he would be part of my service.  Sometimes I remember that. Sometimes I feel sheepish about how much he’s in my calls. It changes. Then yesterday, I got one of these somebody-puts-their-hand-on-your-forehead-and-doses-you-with-the-god-healing: The parenting decisions I’ve made are so primal I don’t even think about them. I’m still breastfeeding – that’s a parenting […]

How do you align with your true self?

How do you realign with your true self? I think this is the most important question anyone has ever asked. You can only ask it when you know as much as you know already. It’s not a question that everybody can ask. And it’s the most important question. And this is part of why we’re in a six-month rather than a six-day program. I can teach you all you need to know about how to […]

working with tolerations

When I started transforming my tolerations, I was focused entirely on results. Big stuff like how much money I was making, the scale of my business, the way I felt about myself, the level of satisfaction I felt in my relationships. I used my tolerations to create a task list for myself, and transforming the things on that list was how I measured my progress. Over time, as I’ve transformed a lot of those big […]

let’s get messy

It’s so important that I mess things up.  If I do everything as perfectly as I have been trained, programmed, and conditioned to do, y’all will never get mad at me. You will never have mixed feelings about me, which will be a disservice to you.  It’s not always comfortable, but I want you to be able to feel the full range of feelings here and speak about it. It’s so important to ask for […]

How Hiring a Stylist Impacted my Self-Love & Bottom Line

When you are your business – as all spiritual teachers, healers, and coaches are, at least in part – any place where you find yourself insecure creates a magnet for poking. As you work on your mindset, as you master sales, as you increase your visibility and impact… Those little bits of doubt, fear, and worry get amplified. And everyone can see. When I started my coaching business in 2016, fashion was a questionable arena […]