Everything you want is already yours for the taking, but to take something requires action. Your responsibility to your vision is to do the work to manifest it.
A lot of people tell me they’re stuck on what action to take, but that part comes with ease as you do the work of knowing, embracing, and sharing yourself. Of course you want to be taking inspired action toward your vision and doing the work that counts, the work that’s going to have real impact. To do that, you need to get very clear on who you are – all the parts of you, from your grandest gift and service to the world right down to your deepest, most personal places.
And then you can act from that place of authenticity – as the full YOU. Visible in your vulnerability. Open, undefended, and raw.
A year ago, my husband and I made a decision to launch a program together and it has resulted in me opening up much more of my personal life into my business. The experience of working with Sri and the group showed me where I had been holding back. We went to India with a small group of people for three weeks – I couldn’t hold anything back there. And so I started to practice opening up all the way.
In the last year I have shared more of myself, more of my story, more of my love, more of my mess with the world. And in the last year, my business growth has matched. My team has tripled in size. We’re serving more people than ever.
Everything is expanding, and it is as a direct result of the opening.
I talk about the full, raw, beautiful experience of getting exposed in this video – Visibility: OPENING the Fullness of You.
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