Tag Archives: love

Bringing Loving-Kindness to All of Life: The Success Sessions with Sharon Salzberg

This interview touched my heart and I know you’ll love it.  Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer and industry leader, a world-renowned teacher and New York Times bestselling author. As one of the first to bring meditation and mindfulness into mainstream American culture over 45 years ago, she has inspired generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers. Sharon is co-founder of The Insight Meditation Society and the author of eleven books, including the New York […]

What Independence Day 2020 Meant To Me

In the summer of 2019, I was in Norway speaking at a conference and had the unexpected pleasure of experiencing Norway’s independence day in Oslo. It was stunning for me, like witnessing the national holiday of some ethereal and magical land, not of this earth. People were dressed in the clothing of centuries past, celebrating, eating, and enjoying one another. I witnessed a national pride and unity in every person, child, and home that I […]

How Do You Want to Show Up in Life?

The focus of this YouTube Live was a very important question.  How do you want to show up today?  The video begins with a sweet meditation that will help you really live into this. The practice will allow you to soften around this question, so you can gain a deep, authentic sense of truth around it. How do you want to experience yourself? What qualities do you want to call forth? Ease… love… worthiness… receiving… […]

Dominion of Love (Guided Meditation)

I fucking love to meditate. It’s my secret weapon in my business, and one of my favorite activities in my life.  That doesn’t mean I don’t make up all kinds of reasons not to do it, mind you. I can procrastinate as well as the next person!  But it’s essential to me, and when I make time for it, I’m blasted from all directions with clarity, truth, love, and relief that always makes me wonder […]