Come take a ride with me!!! A real one, right now – in my car, around LA. I’m going to show you how creating the life of your dreams is just like following your GPS. I’m super excited about this one. It’s one of my favorite teachings and now we can actually DO THIS together. You’ll have fun. Trust me! Because I know you well enough to know that you and I have some things […]
Category Archives: Mindset
Imagine adding a zero to your monthly income. How would that feel? I want you to think about your current monthly income and play with this idea. So if you make $10,000 a month, how would $100,000 a month feel? If you make $2,000 a month, how would it feel to bring in $20,000? If you make $50,000 a month, how would $500,000 a month feel? Feel into both of these numbers – the number […]
Have you thought about hiring a coach? Maybe you’ve you been tempted to say yes but then backed out. Hiring a coach can be scary – I know this from experience. I also know that saying “yes” to coaching changed my life. And continuing to say “yes” to coaching has allowed me to build a thriving seven-figure business – and transform the framework of my life. I hired my first coach when I was teaching […]
Before I started Jesse Johnson Coaching, I taught high school algebra to inner city students in NYC public schools. I became a teacher because I thought dedicating my life to working with a population of people who I knew had been disenfranchised was the solution to systemic racism in our country, and I wanted to have a big impact at that level. So I worked harder and harder, thinking if I continued to put in […]
Have you ever heard the phrase “lack mindset”? It’s a pretty basic Law of Attraction concept that translates to this… If you think there’s not enough of something, there won’t be enough of it – at least, not for you. You simply won’t see it – and once you form a habit of thinking that way, you’ll just keep proving scarcity right, over and over again. The bad news is, it’s built into the middle-class […]