“In every single moment, I want to be able to show up in the fullness of myself – so I can bring all of what I’m supposed to bring, and receive all of what I’m supposed to receive.” -Rha Goddess I am so so so excited to share this video interview with the breathtaking Rha Goddess, soul coach, founder and CEO of Move the Crowd. Rha is one of my favorite people on the planet. […]
Category Archives: Mindset
You’re trapped. Your arm is stuck between a rock and a rock wall. For 127 hours. And in the end, you choose the only choice that will save you. It’s time to cut off your own arm. With a Swiss Army Knife. This is the true story of Aron Rolston – and a surprisingly appropriate metaphor for many of us doing transformational work. The movie 127 Hours tells his story: a rock climber (played by […]
You can change by running away from something, or you can change by running toward something. The action – on the surface – is the same. But the energy beneath is quite different, because one is coming from vision, from expansion, desire, enthusiasm, gratitude. The other one is coming from fear. I know all of you are running in the direction of something more. More impact, more visibility, more integration, more love. The question is […]
I often hear this question: How do I move through Mercury Retrograde with ease and grace? That’s because my network is full of conscious, tuned in people like you, who are highly aware that it’s happening (three times a year!) and that it affects them. As you may know, Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon in which Mercury appears to move “backward” in its orbit around the sun from our perspective here on Earth. So […]
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” – Haruki Murakami It’s the Day of the Dead. It’s time to die before dying. The first thing we do when we’re born is inhale. The last thing we’ll do when we die is exhale. Our death is a beloved for us to come to know – death is the key to our liberation. Literally every breath is an opportunity to remember. Inhale: […]