If you haven’t heard of Susie Moore… you are in for an incredible treat! Susie is a high-performance coach and advisor to mega successful startups. Her insights have been shared by such luminaries as Paulo Coelho and Arianna Huffington. Her writing is featured in tons of high level publications, including Oprah.com, and she has been called “America’s leading personal finance expert.” In this video, Susie Shares secrets to transform your passion into cash Illuminates the […]
Category Archives: Mindset
In the process of spiritual, personal, and financial growth, we’re all challenged. We all struggle. We all have failures. And as a result, we experience a whole range of emotions. (That’s a good thing – it’s what we’re here for!) Of course, this includes your clients – and those you hope to serve. I can teach you how to set them up for success, by effectively working with difficult emotions… yours and theirs. In this […]
In order to integrate all that we are, we must practice truly welcoming all of the parts of us. The highest, the lowest, the most joyful, the most fearful, and everything in between. That’s what today’s meditation is about… opening the door and inviting every single part of you with love. This process calls upon us to release resistance, and that’s what we’ll practice together. Meditation is about allowing the truth of who you are […]
The first thing I introduce in my sales training for spiritual entrepreneurs is this idea that sales is not a script. When done well, the practice of sales is creative. It’s organic. It’s improvisational. And it’s rooted in pure service to the client. It’s so important to be present and authentic when you present your product or service to those who may need it. And at the same time, you need a reliable structure that […]
In my last blog, I shared my “Expert Speaker” talk with you – on how millionaires are REAL, and how you can use simple math to get unstuck from your fantasies and actually become one. I also promised to share a vulnerable story with you this week, of what happened 20 minutes before I went up on stage – when I had a complete freak-out and wanted to just pack it in and go home. […]