Saying the thing means hearing the thing

Saying the thing is always a value for me.
It’s always on my mind. 

Right now, this is what I’m thinking about and focused on every single day. I’m writing and reading emails about it every day. I’m in research mode. I’m practicing it everywhere. I’m teaching about it and studying what comes through in the teaching. I’m in conversation with my community about it. 

As I’m putting myself into this deeper study of saying the thing, I am recognizing how deeply, deeply rare it is to be in a community of people – even a small group of people, even one relationship – where there is a shared agreement, a shared value, on saying the thing. 

Where both people want to hear the thing. 

Even if it’s not pleasant.
Even if it’s not pretty.
Even if it’s different from what they want to hear.

Up until now, I’ve been approaching it really as an individual practice, which is extremely valuable. I have taken for granted that part of what makes the invitation to practice saying the thing with me a good invitation is that I’m on the other side of it with you – and I want to hear the thing. 

Which makes it easier for you to practice saying the thing, at least to me.
And that doesn’t mean it feels easy. 

Source material, Sales Full Stop, November 29, 2023

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