When you think of a “sales score” what comes to mind? I recently asked my team this question, and they went right to the dictionary and said: Score (noun): a number that expresses accomplishment (as in a game or test) or excellence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to a standard So, they said, a sales score is some type of system you keep where you mark the number of […]
Category Archives: Best Practices
Have you ever said to yourself, “I don’t like doing sales because they leave me feeling… pushy, slimy, sleazy, manipulative…” etc.? When you’re doing sales, do you experience them as something that doesn’t feel good – to you or the person you’re selling to? This is very common, and it’s one of the main reasons that I teach sales. Your sales conversations do not need to feel slimy, sleazy, or manipulative – in fact, they […]
Have you ever had an “I wish I’d done that differently” moment? I have. I still do. And I’m sure I’ll continue to have those moments. You will too. We’re humans. We’re not immune to failure–especially when we let our hearts, or egos, or ideas get in the way. The worst part about these moments is looking back and thinking, “Wow, how did I not see that red flag? How was I completely unaware that […]
Have you ever been sold the magic pill myth? I have. The idea that all of your current challenges (making more money, building a greater following, establishing a bigger presence for your business) could be solved with a “cure all” product or service? It’s just so tempting. We live in a time where we are preyed upon and led to believe that for the low cost of $9.99 or $99.99 or $999.99 we can purchase […]
Raise your hand if you LOVE sales!!! Anybody? Anyone? I know there are a few of you out there – but if you didn’t immediately put up your imaginary hand, you’re not alone. I love sales now – but I didn’t always. When I started my coaching business, I was focused entirely on working with retreat leaders. It was the perfect way to use both my mastery as a math educator and my passion for […]