Pause whatever you’re doing for a second. I want to get clear on something really important. You realize you can do literally anything you want, right? Want to build a 7-figure business in a year? You can do that. Want to live in a mansion on a cliff overlooking the ocean? You can do that! Want to make a million dollars and give it all away to save the ocean? Yep, you can do that […]
Category Archives: Best Practices
“If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”— Ram Dass Here’s the truth: once you reach the age of 18, you are no longer your mother’s daughter. You are no longer your father’s son. You are related, you are family. The contract of taking care is over – and everything else is a choice. If you’re visiting your family for the holidays – and let’s be honest, even if […]
Yesterday a dear friend asked me what my most important or principle virtue is, and for a solid 16 hours I had no idea. I’ve contemplated and meditated on virtues a lot before, but when the question hit, I drew a blank. I’ve been reading this lovely trilogy called Legends of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler. In it the heroine is constantly practicing trusting, surrendering and believing in order to find the solutions to difficult problems. […]