Part of feeling good about yourself is embracing all the parts of you – along with the needs, wants, hopes, dreams, and insecurities of those parts. The video I’m sharing today is called Why I Fired a Client and We Both Loved it! (As you can imagine, there’s more to it than the title reveals.) This is a story that highlights the power of acknowledging, working with, and ultimately LOVING ALL the parts of us. […]
Category Archives: Mindset
In the summer of 2019, I was in Norway speaking at a conference and had the unexpected pleasure of experiencing Norway’s independence day in Oslo. It was stunning for me, like witnessing the national holiday of some ethereal and magical land, not of this earth. People were dressed in the clothing of centuries past, celebrating, eating, and enjoying one another. I witnessed a national pride and unity in every person, child, and home that I […]
The focus of this YouTube Live was a very important question. How do you want to show up today? The video begins with a sweet meditation that will help you really live into this. The practice will allow you to soften around this question, so you can gain a deep, authentic sense of truth around it. How do you want to experience yourself? What qualities do you want to call forth? Ease… love… worthiness… receiving… […]
You probably know that I help spiritual entrepreneurs make bank (six and seven figures) with ease and grace – while also bringing their highest service to the world. I do it by working directly on mindset. I help my clients dismantle their limiting beliefs. And I’ve developed some super effective, highly efficient tools for doing just that. In this video, I present one of those tools in under five minutes. I call it the “Duality-Breaking […]
When I made $20,000 in a single month for the first time, I literally felt my subconscious kind of crack and break open. The stories I had told myself before that, the beliefs I was believing around money and income and what was possible, simply could no longer stand. From there, brand new layers were revealed in my mind, and I got to work with those. AND from there, my income skyrocketed into the millions. […]