Ever wonder why you aren’t already living the life of your dreams?
If you’re not living the life you want, it’s because one of 3 things is happening:
1. You don’t know where you’re going.
2. You don’t know where you currently are.
3. You’re not following directions.
I see people struggle with all three of these areas every single day.
You don’t know where you’re going
Some people don’t know what they want. They’re not aware of their true desires. This would be like not knowing which address to plug into your GPS. GPS can’t guide you or help you, unless you know where you’re going.
These people legitimately struggle to know the truth of what they want. Why?
Because they’re so programmed to feel like they “should” want something in particular (maybe what someone else wanted for them) — and they’ve forgotten how to connect with the truth of what they actually desire.
So that’s your work. What do you really want?
I suggest you start with the little stuff. Every day for a week, make a list in the morning of 20 things you truly want that day. A latte. A kiss. A productive day at work. A million bucks. For the purposes of this exercise, it doesn’t matter how realistic your desires seem to you – just how true they are. Don’t think too much about it – let it flow.
Make this list every day and you will cultivate a new relationship to your desire. Then at the end of the week, reflect on trends that you notice in your lists and you’ll have a clear sense of what’s true for you.
You don’t know where you are
Some people know exactly what they want, but they don’t really understand where they’re starting from. They lack clarity on their current location, which usually means they don’t want to know. They avoid looking at their finances, taking responsibility for their current results, or simply don’t know what their real problem is.
This is an entirely different challenge than the first. If you don’t know your real problem, you’ll spin your wheels trying to solve something that isn’t broken while leaving the real culprit unattended. You have a clear vision, but you don’t know where you currently are and that makes you… lost. You think you’re in one place (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially etc.) — when really you’re starting from someplace else.
Have you ever had GPS trying to guide you down some weird path that doesn’t make sense? You know where you want to go, but the directions don’t make sense – and then you realize your phone still thinks you’re at home in NYC when you’ve landed in London.
You’re like “What the f#*k?” You don’t understand what’s happening. The steps are not useful.
It’s not that the directions are wrong — it’s that the starting point is off.
Once you know where you are, you can see your own situation more clearly, and see what’s really going on.
KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE is 90% of all your mindset work. You have to know where you’re starting from. This is critical.
Many people struggle just to get accurate readings on the where they currently are.
Once you finally recognize your true current location, THEN you can start getting somewhere!
You’re not following directions
The third possibility is that you know where you are and where you want to go, and the universe is trying to send you there – you’re just not following the directions.
Imagine you’re in Portland and you enter an address in San Francisco. Waze gives you very clear directions: Drive south on I-5. Instead, you head north.
Waze is telling you, over and over: Turn Around! Exit here and head back! Your destination is south!
Would you be surprised to end up in Seattle? Probably not.
It’s the same with universal guidance. Once you’re clear on where you are and where you want to be, the directions will be given. Your job is recognize and follow them.
They’re usually given one at a time (also like GPS!) – and that’s for your benefit as well.
Get in touch with your intuition. Trust yourself. Trust your inner guidance.
When strong clarity arrives, TAKE ACTION. Don’t put it off.
Especially when that action scares you, DO IT FAST. (For more guidance on this, see my blog on Skydiving into 2019.)
Now you’re off and running.
You’ve got your starting point, your destination, and your step-by-step instructions.
The sky’s the limit. What will you create?