You don’t need to be so careful. It might be a detriment to be so careful.
You don’t need to prove that you can hold her.
It’s true – so know it’s true and go all in.
It’s an important thing for you to be willing to risk causing harm to serve her fully. And I want to reassure you that repair may not need to happen as often as you think.
Harm doesn’t happen when you’re clear and true and genuine and sincere as you are.
In fact, if you try to give her a session that she hasn’t asked for, that can become manipulative, coercive, and toxic.
“Hey, I have been feeling like there’s something energetically that’s not quite right about this, and I want to either get it right or not do it. I want to get this on the table:
I love you. Period, the end.
I love our relationship. Period, the end.
I do not need you to change for our friendship to continue.
I think you want an opening, a healing, in order to live your best life for you.
And I know that I can help you.
Do you want to explore that?”
Source material, Sales Full Stop, September 13, 2023
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