Tag Archives: vision

3 Modes of Creation in Your Business

You can change by running away from something, or you can change by running toward something.   The action – on the surface – is the same. But the energy beneath is quite different, because one is coming from vision, from expansion, desire, enthusiasm, gratitude.   The other one is coming from fear.   I know all of you are running in the direction of something more. More impact, more visibility, more integration, more love. The question is […]

Don’t Look Back – You’re Not Going That Way

If you want to move quickly and steadily toward your dreams, you have to keep your focus forward. Where you’re going is ahead, not behind you.  Driving is the perfect metaphor – which is why we’re back in my Mini driving around LA in this video!  In our day-to-day life, we look to the past as a reference point all the time. And of course, the past has some relevant information, in driving and in […]

Dominion of Love (Guided Meditation)

I fucking love to meditate. It’s my secret weapon in my business, and one of my favorite activities in my life.  That doesn’t mean I don’t make up all kinds of reasons not to do it, mind you. I can procrastinate as well as the next person!  But it’s essential to me, and when I make time for it, I’m blasted from all directions with clarity, truth, love, and relief that always makes me wonder […]

Create a Map to the Life of Your Dreams

Come take a ride with me!!! A real one, right now – in my car, around LA. I’m going to show you how creating the life of your dreams is just like following your GPS.   I’m super excited about this one. It’s one of my favorite teachings and now we can actually DO THIS together.  You’ll have fun. Trust me!   Because I know you well enough to know that you and I have some things […]

Breaking Free From Your Family Lineage

  “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”— Ram Dass   Here’s the truth: once you reach the age of 18, you are no longer your mother’s daughter. You are no longer your father’s son. You are related, you are family. The contract of taking care is over – and everything else is a choice. If you’re visiting your family for the holidays – and let’s be honest, even if […]