Tag Archives: wealth

Let Yourself Be You

When I started my business, I wanted to feel like I could be all of who I was. I could be super excellent professionally, I could be incredibly spiritual. I could embrace all of the parts of myself and all of the parts of my life.  I knew I wanted to work with spiritual teachers, healers – even though I had people tell me every step of the way that I couldn’t do that. Obviously […]

Envision Your Dreams (in Designer Clothes)

I used to have a deep longing for the feeling of comfort and elegance in the clothing that I wore. I thought it was impossible for me because I didn’t have the type of body that such beautiful clothes are made for.  I was wrong!!!  But it took me nearly 20 years to go from dream to reality on this one.  Once upon a time in a documentary, I heard about a designer from Japan […]

What is Most Personal is Most Universal: The Success Sessions with Rukmini Poddar

The people I invite to come and talk with me on The Success Sessions are always people who have directly influenced my success, my wealth, my joy, and my abundance — and Rukmini Poddar is definitely one of those people! I love diving deep into the world of art and emotion that she creates.  Rukmini is an incredible artist, designer, and illustrator living in NYC. Her creative passion lies at the intersection of emotional wellness […]

Breaking Free From Your Family Lineage

  “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”— Ram Dass   Here’s the truth: once you reach the age of 18, you are no longer your mother’s daughter. You are no longer your father’s son. You are related, you are family. The contract of taking care is over – and everything else is a choice. If you’re visiting your family for the holidays – and let’s be honest, even if […]