The Guidance You’ve Been Praying For

We all need someone to guide us when we haven’t been there before. 

I had coaches teach me how to craft my business. I didn’t know how to do this out of the womb. That’s part of what inspired me to create my newest program. (The one I’ve been hinting about!) I’m excited to finally share it with you, because whether it’s for you or not, the message is for everyone… it’s so, so important that you do what you are here to do.

I’ve spent years supporting people who have been doing what they do with tremendous mastery and success already. I realized it was time for me to bring the genius of my methods to the future spiritual-teacher-geniuses of the world. 

I wanted to craft a program that would support the people who haven’t yet ‘done the thing’. 

If it’s you… 

You have a mission. I know you. You’ve been waiting to be asked, picked, chosen. Praying that someone is going to recognize what you know you are here to bring into the world. Well, I know how to help you craft your business, create your offer, choose your price and sell to your ideal client, so you can make the money of your dreams doing what you’re here to do.

MISSION is designed to give you back your power and agency to build your mission on your terms, in the context of the most beautiful, life-sustaining business. It arose out of my own intuitive guidance, combined with feedback from past clients about what they were wanting more of in my offerings. 

This is Dharma work, deep life purpose, there is nothing more meaningful than this work. 

This is the work that up until now, I’ve exclusively only done with one on one clients; it is a huge part of what people hire me to help them do. The root of their business. 

The thing that happens behind the closed doors of my coaching containers is primarily about how we be. How we show up, how we bring our full hearts to our bodies on this material plane. It’s so basic, it’s so human, it’s so simple, it’s so profoundly troublesome at the same time.

The fear of unworthiness, the hesitation to put yourself out there, the questioning whether or not your idea is a good one, if 10,000 people haven’t already liked it, is it really worth it? 


If anything here struck a chord with you, celebrate with me! Here’s the page.

Feel into this work.

If it feels like a yes for you, I promise you…  the money is here, and it’s here right now! 

Want to talk through it? Write to my team at and we’ll get you booked.

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