Author Archives: Jesse Johnson

Cold Calling As Spiritual Practice

Straight to the point on this one. If you don’t know where the money or clients are coming from this month (or any month) making high-quality cold calls will resolve that. The confidence that you know how to cold call IN SERVICE TO THE PERSON YOU’RE CALLING will give you financial freedom, because you know that even if the internet breaks, or your whole business structure needs to shift, you have the foundational skill set […]

Let go of the drama, Make the decision

I love this teaching.  It came from a collaborative process with my company’s creative director, Riyaana Hartley – who happens to be a stellar interviewer and filmmaker – when she asked me how I know when I’ve made a final decision.  I was so used to thinking that decisiveness and clarity = massive enthusiasm. A really big, over-the-top energy. The ‘HELL YES’.  Recently I’ve realized that (for me) that particular energy is still about getting […]

This Life is a Miracle

I have two questions for you today:  How often does life feel miraculous to you?  How often do you think about death?  In our day-to-day lives, most of us aren’t asking questions like this.  There’s actually a biological imperative to avoid the truth of life and death. It gets amplified by social media and entertainment. We’re surrounded by constant distractions through TV, marketing, social media, and the cult of “busy” all encourage us to ignore […]

Finding Ease in Intensity – Behind the Scenes of my first TEDx talk!

You know that TEDx talk I recently made and shared with y’all? This is where we go behind the scenes. The process my team and I went through for the talk is revolutionary. It was also very, very intense. We had 3 weeks to get it done, we hadn’t planned for it at all (the invite was a total surprise), I was in my third trimester and Sri and I had quite literally just moved […]

Change Your Life & The World With Financial Freedom

What’s your highest vision for humanity? I know you have one. Do you feel fully empowered to bring it about here on Earth? Are you working on it now? Because most people don’t, and aren’t. Most of us put those dreams down before we even begin. They’re big. And in this world, big change – particularly around systems and culture – can feel impossible.  It’s easy to live in this world and get disillusioned. It’s […]