I think that faith removes the need for drama and doubt, scarcity and fear. I still feel those things, but it’s much easier for me to see that they’re not true and offer it all up to God. Because I know that my vision, my own personal preferences, aren’t even really about me. It’s all in service of something much bigger. I don’t have to use my own emotional energy to pep talk myself into […]
Category Archives: Mastery
When I started selling my first program, I was real nervous about dropping the price in a sales call. Will anyone pay this? Will they see the value? The cost was 3k. The first couple of sales calls I had were with people I’d worked with before. I thought I had found a way to hack my pricing discomfort – I offered it to them for half to make it an easy yes. This way […]
Just a few weeks ago, I was honored to receive a request to speak on a TEDx stage in India. Today, I’m thrilled to announce that my talk is being featured on the “main stage” – the TED.com website. The talk is called Adversity is a catalyst for agency. It’s a very vulnerable share – and I speak about motherhood, race, and the potential we have to build a world in which all people win. […]
Raise your hand if you LOVE sales!!! Anybody? Anyone? I know there are a few of you out there — but if you didn’t immediately put up your imaginary hand, you’re not alone. I love sales now — but I didn’t always. When I started my coaching business, I was focused entirely on working with retreat leaders. It was the perfect way to use both my mastery as a math educator and my passion for […]
“It’s not your job to like me–it’s mine.” I love the quote above by Byron Katie, and how well it applies to me in my business. Because what I teach is very, very different than what most people teach or believe. That’s uncomfortable for some, and they don’t want to look at it… so, they don’t like me. 😉 That’s okay. I like me! And I trust that the people I am here to serve […]