Category Archives: Sales

Sales as a Spiritual Practice

Raise your hand if you LOVE sales!!! Anybody? Anyone? I know there are a few of you out there — but if you didn’t immediately put up your imaginary hand, you’re not alone. I love sales now — but I didn’t always. When I started my coaching business, I was focused entirely on working with retreat leaders. It was the perfect way to use both my mastery as a math educator and my passion for […]

How my #1 strategy for Financial Freedom can change your life NOW!

“It’s not your job to like me–it’s mine.” I love the quote above by Byron Katie, and how well it applies to me in my business. Because what I teach is very, very different than what most people teach or believe. That’s uncomfortable for some, and they don’t want to look at it… so, they don’t like me. 😉 That’s okay. I like me! And I trust that the people I am here to serve […]

Cold Calling As Spiritual Practice?!

This video gets straight to the point! I’m going to teach you how to stop being afraid of cold calling.  We cover three main topics: The importance of cold calling  Why we’re so terrified to do it   How to get over those fears and create true financial freedom  As you’re likely aware – there’s no business without sales. If you don’t know where the money will come from this month, cold calls will resolve that. […]

Death is Our Greatest Teacher

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” – Haruki Murakami It’s the Day of the Dead.  It’s time to die before dying. The first thing we do when we’re born is inhale. The last thing we’ll do when we die is exhale. Our death is a beloved for us to come to know – death is the key to our liberation. Literally every breath is an opportunity to remember.  Inhale: […]

More Money, High Impact, Low Effort

If you’d like to make more money and impact with less effort, this one’s for you. In this video, I explain the Coaching Business Model, and how it can grow your business and increase your sales — whether you’re a coach or not! This is for literally any entrepreneur who works with clients in any field.  Essentially, with the coaching model, instead of trading time for money, you’re creating a container in which to facilitate […]