“I didn’t know what Jesse was teaching was an option for me.” – Yamuna Bihari, client of Jesse Johnson Coaching Most people don’t. I didn’t either. But this is, indeed, an option that YOU can choose: to make as much money as you want, doing exactly what you want, being exactly who you are. When I was working in math education in the NYC public schools, I went to see someone who was speaking about […]
Tag Archives: abundance
That life is calling you… The life you’ve envisioned, prayed for, dreamed of, and maybe thought would never happen. When in fact, the life that’s waiting for you is even better than anything you could possibly imagine. If I had known my life was going to look and feel THIS good, I would have reached for it a lot sooner! I love where I am. I love what I’m doing. I love this life! Today’s […]
When I started my business, I knew I wanted to work with spiritual teachers and healers. But I had people tell me every step of the way that I couldn’t do that. Spiritual people wouldn’t pay. I could never build ANY business working with spiritual people. Friends, family, people who identify as spiritual people, coaches, even MY coaches – they all told me that. And guess what? They were all f*cking wrong. I COULD be […]
I am so f*cking honored and thrilled to share this brilliant conversation with one of the deepest humans I know. Toku McCree is an author, speaker, and coach focused on bringing Zen teachings to the world of business, leadership, and coaching. He trained for over two years as a Zen Monk – ya’ll know I love my monks. Toku and I have known each other for years; we deeply reconnected recently and it has led […]
Sometimes things don’t end the way we hoped they would. In December of 2020, I wasn’t able to gather the members of my mastermind group in person for our closing retreat due to the pandemic. This group traveled to India together. This beloved group cracked me open and revealed deeper levels of my vulnerability and authenticity. We would never be together in the same way again, and this broke my heart. So… I took a […]