Tag Archives: success

Comparing Will Distract You From the Truth Every Time!

Comparing ourselves to others can be addictive. I meet with all kinds of brilliant people who have incredible visions and intentions and offerings. Skilled people, with big beautiful hearts and a desire to realize their dream and serve the world. Even at that high level of excellence, comparison is something that people contend with. It shows up as the inner critic, the inner judge, the inner asshole. Maybe this feels familiar – You see people […]

Bold Moves & Big Wins in the Group Move All of Us Forward!

I want you to hear straight from a beloved (epic, beautiful, brilliant, extraordinary) high level client of mine today – on how our work inside of a group container transformed her life. Rachel is a bestselling author, speaker, coach and so much more. She’s doing revolutionary work at the executive level, helping people bring LOVE to work. Rachel’s mission is to help heal and uplift the world by empowering women to give themselves everything they […]

Jesse’s Resources for Business, Becoming & Other Big Initiations!

We’re wrapping up the “Behind the Scenes of a 7-Figure Business” series today with an incredibly effective practice for you. Riyaana: Could you pass on a mantra, affirmation, or ritual practice? Specifically, something that you exercised on a daily basis during these crucial moments… In claiming, in becoming, in letting go. What you had to do to make these big leaps.  Jesse: I’ll credit David Neagle here. He did this thing that was so helpful […]

The work starts working exponentially when you CLAIM it.

Looking back at the real JJC success story (the story of our underlying energetics) I can clearly see the turning point. The moment where we kicked it into high gear and skyrocketed toward 7-figures.   I had been teaching about sales, experiencing it as a spiritual practice, for some time…. But I was still hiding it behind closed doors.  This is where I had been told and taught to go by God. So I did the […]

No One Does it Alone – So Why Are You?

When I saw that teaching and coaching on money and sales was correct for me, I was really scared and really uncomfortable. I also really wanted to do this work; I’ve always been ambitious, and I was hungry for this vision. So I borrowed heavily on my coach’s faith in me. She was absolutely certain that I could do this. I trusted her completely. And she was absolutely right.  I will never claim that I could have […]